Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How far we have fallen ....

Last night, the GOP candidates gathered together to debate the issues and their candidacies in an event sponsored by the Tea Party. Now, on the face of it, this sounds like a wonderful idea and a true expression of the principles upon which this country was founded. Better yet, it was sponsored by an organization named for a seminal event in our history, the Boston Tea Party, where ordinary citizens banded together to cast a blow against taxation without representation in our first fight for independance.

Sounds like a wonderful night ... a terrific event, where ideas would be exchanged, issues would be discussed with passion and proposals to solve the problems of the world might be brought forth for intelligent discussion. A true ideaological salon, as it were, regardless that the event would present only one side of our political spectrum , it would be peopled by the best and the brightest of the GOP and the American people would be able to learn what makes each of these candidates worth consideration for your vote.

Sounds fabulous, doesn't it?

But what did we get? Well, certainly not intelligent discourse about how to correct the ills facing our society, but to be honest, I doubt very few of us, even actual members of the Tea Party, truly expected much of that.

But much worse, we saw a shining example of just how low this country has sunk ... we saw an example of humanity at its worst ... and frankly, I am really getting tired of this kind of display, especially coming from US.

To referesh your memory, or for those who did not get to see the debate, or perhaps turned it off before this particularly shining moment occured, here is what has my dander up:

Ron Paul was asked a question, which I paraphrase here: a healthy 30 year old is involved in a terrible accident, requiring extensive medical treatment ... under you proposed healthcare plan, Mr. Paul, who would be paying for that care?

Paul hemmed and hawed a bit and eventually said well the person would want the government to pay for it if he wanted a socialist program ... the crowd got riled ... the Moderator asked: are you saying then, that the 30 year old should be left to die?

And here is where I lose it ...

The crowd gave a resounding and vibrant YES ......

The Tea Party folks in the audience cheered for this 30 year old man to be left to die .......


The Ancient Romans of Nero and Caligula have been reincarnated as members of the Tea Party/GOP and are CHEERING for the LIONS ???

I am at a loss ... I am horrifed .... I am disgusted ...... I am, as Seinfeld would say, without speech.

Everything I have ever learned about the founding of our great nation, everything I ever learned about why my ancestors emigrated to this great land, everything I ever carried in my heart about the greatness of America, about her spirit to rise above the dirt and filth of corruption, about her willingness to reach her great arms open-wide and wrap the poor, the disenfranchised, those in need, into her great embrace and help them make a new life .... everything I thought I knew America represented ... was trashed, was spit on, and was disgraced by that demonstration of callous, isolationist, greed and self-interest displayed by the Tea Party last night.

In the shadow of the 10th anniversary of one of the worst days in our history, a day we celebrated everyday heroes who reached out to those in need without asking to see an ID card, or check for a crucifix hanging from their neck ... in no more than 24 hours after one of the most senistive and moving services honoring America's ability to pull together and work for a common goal, we have the Tea Party CHEERING FOR A YOUNG MAN TO BE LEFT TO DIE ........

I am bereft.

And while I do not care if you are religious, quasi-religious, atheist, or spiritually ambivalent, if there is ANYONE out there in the USA who can honestly say that you still will vote Republican, I pity you and will pray for you, for assuredly, perpetuating this type of America will damn your soul for eternity.

Save America, save your neighbor, save yourself: VOTE DEMOCRAT IN 2012....

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